No denying it... no matter how many hours I spend talking to Southerners, I am still a Northerner in my brain. I have finally learned that parkway means a long road. Viaduct means overpass. Sweet tea & cornbread means heavenly manna to Southerners. Cut the switch means to turn ON the lights if they are off and turn OFF the lights if they are on. And a whole collection of other words that have new meaning to me. (Secret - sometimes I sit there and just nod because I am so totally lost. Those words are not in my vocabulary yet!)
So the other day I was sitting in church and the pastor said, "And we know that God owns all the heels." I was sitting their thinking - Well, that was strange. I know God is in control of my feet, but really that doesn't fit with the message.... at all. The whole concept of God owning feet really just went over my head. It must be a Southern thing.
Then this week in pastor's message, he mentioned that we have to follow God's wheel. The image that popped into my head was a wagon wheel or a chariot wheel leaving a dusty imprint in the dirt. He had just mentioned a chariot, so I guess we need to follow God's chariot? That makes sense. I think.
As I was sitting there, thinking about God owning the heels and following God's wheels... a strange thought occurred to me. Perhaps he meant God owns all the HILLS and we should follow God's WILL! Oh boy!! Am I really that blonde? It took me way too long to figure that out. So much for those thoughts about Oregon Trails.
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