Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Social Single

Recently I had the unfortunate opportunity to observe several friends attack each other via very public forums. It has been hilarious to watch because it is so immature, but at the same time wholly inappropriate. What is happening? A single friend with great influence and audience is upset with a quiet and mostly private older newlywed couple for posting online frequently that they are happily married.

I seem to remember that God gives each person different situations and different trials and different blessings. We are to rejoice in where God has put us. (And let me tell you, this disgruntled single lady gets to do many things that even we happily married pastor's wives secretly dream of.)

Things that I miss about being single:

1. The abundance of time I had to spend in my devotions. As a single person, I was able to spend hours studying my Bible, meditating on what I was learning, and doing this for as long as I wanted and as often as I wanted. Now as a married person, I have a set limited amount of time to spend in my personal devotions because I have a husband who needs my attention.

2. Being able to just up and go. As a single, I could go do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I didn't need to check in with my husband and his schedule.

3. Being involved in certain ministries. As a single I could choose to go on a missions trip as I felt led. I could whole-heartedly be involved in my own Sunday school class while teaching a Sunday school class. During Vacation Bible School, I could rush from work to church to be involved in picking up kids for VBS, taking them home after, without worrying about making dinner for my family or making sure that they get to VBS.

4. Finances. This is a big deal - As a single, I could save money like crazy. I was on track to have a sizeable down payment on my own home after only four years in the workforce. I probably would have saved for another year to have emergency funds secured. The point is my expenses were low and I could save as much as I wanted. At the same time, I was spending money on whatever I wanted. New outfit? Sure! Macbook Pro? Absolutely! (Best financial decision to date!) Shoes? Yep. Dinner out with friends? No problem.

5. Being responsible for me and accountable to me. Now I have to make sure that my husband is loved, well-cared for, happy, has access clean, neat clothes, and I don't even have kids! As a single, it was just me and I didn't have to worry about anyone else's well-being.

Not to say all of that without mentioning that married life is wonderful as well. I just want to point out that singlehood as some serious benefits.

For any lady out there who feels inadequate or un-blessed because she isn't married, please know that you have some pretty awesome privileges that many married ladies miss. Enjoy the moments that God has given you! Remember that He will use you where you are if you let Him. Keep in mind - we all go through varying stages of life. You don't know what the next step will be. Jealousy for the next phase is not necessary or appropriate. Just pray for God to work in your life....

... And please do not air your grievances on the internet against your married friends.

Thank you so much!

~ Kay

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